4 Ways to Get Rid of Lead-Based Paint in Your Home


Many years ago, most homes had walls and other features that were painted with lead-based paint. At that time, it was unknown that peeling and chipping lead-based paint could cause a variety of different health problems to those who resided in these homes. Fortunately, now that lead-based paint has been found to be a health hazard, it is no longer used for painting indoors in homes. However, there are still many homes that were built during the time that lead-based paints were used. These are four ways to get rid of lead-based paint in your home.


One of the easiest ways to prevent lead-based paint from chipping and peeling is through encapsulation. This is done by rolling or brushing on a watertight sealer on the areas of the home that have been painted with lead-based paint. This prevents the paint from chipping and peeling so it will not become a health hazard. The only downfall of this method is that if lead-based paint must be coated on doors or windows, opening and closing these doors and windows may cause the coating to wear off over time. It is best to keep a close eye on the wear of the coating on doors and windows because it may need to be redone every few months.


Another way to prevent the adverse effects of lead-based paint is by enclosing the area that has been painted with it. For instance, if the walls of a room have been painted with lead-based paint, these can be covered with drywall or paneling that do not cause any health issues. Doors and windows can also be closed off and covered with aluminum or vinyl siding to prevent exposure to chipping lead-based paint.

Removing the Paint

There are several different methods that can be used to remove lead-based paint from surfaces in your home. These include scraping it off with a wire brush, scraping it by hand using a liquid paint remover, and removing it with an electric sander. In most cases, it is best to hire a contractor to do this properly and safely to ensure adequate ventilation steps are taken. 

Replacing the Surface

The most thorough method of getting rid of lead paint in your home is by replacing all the surfaces that have been painted with it. This can be more expensive and time-consuming and may also require hiring a professional contractor. There may be several areas that need to be replaced, such as walls, doors, windows, and woodwork depending on when the home was built.

If the lead-based paint in your home is not peeling or damaged in any way and there are no young children in your home, it may be possible to put off removing the paint for a while. As long as the paint is not chipping or flaky, it does not present a health issue.

Contact a lead-based paint removal service for more information.


14 July 2020

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