Home Health Aide Or Nursing Home Care? 4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing


Choosing between hiring a live-in health aide and moving into a nursing home is a major, life-altering decision. Whether making the choice for yourself or someone you love, careful consideration of all variables is in order, to ensure the right decision is made and the most appropriate care is obtained. You have many questions to ask yourself, the answers to which should reveal the path you need to take. 1. What Level of Medical Care Is Needed?

4 September 2018

Use Your Nose To Determine If An Elderly Parent Needs Home Care


Often, the adult children of senior citizens will use a variety of means to determine if their parents require in-home care. For example, you might simply talk to your parent to determine how easily he or she is managing living independently. In more severe cases, a parent's emergency room visit because of taking an incorrect dosage of medication can indicate that in-home care is needed. Don't shy away from using the power of your scent to help indicate whether in-home care may benefit your parent.

5 April 2018