Home Health Aide Or Nursing Home Care? 4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing


Choosing between hiring a live-in health aide and moving into a nursing home is a major, life-altering decision. Whether making the choice for yourself or someone you love, careful consideration of all variables is in order, to ensure the right decision is made and the most appropriate care is obtained. You have many questions to ask yourself, the answers to which should reveal the path you need to take. 1. What Level of Medical Care Is Needed?

4 September 2018

Use Your Nose To Determine If An Elderly Parent Needs Home Care


Often, the adult children of senior citizens will use a variety of means to determine if their parents require in-home care. For example, you might simply talk to your parent to determine how easily he or she is managing living independently. In more severe cases, a parent's emergency room visit because of taking an incorrect dosage of medication can indicate that in-home care is needed. Don't shy away from using the power of your scent to help indicate whether in-home care may benefit your parent.

5 April 2018

3 Missteps To Avoid When Selecting A Nanny


Selecting a nanny from qualified applicants is one of the most challenging decisions you will have to make. The nanny will be responsible for helping to care for your children and he or she will have influence over them. Therefore, it is important that you carefully weigh your options. During the interview and selection process, you need to avoid making these mistakes. Failing to Stick to the Must-Haves In some instances, there are scenarios in which having some wiggle room is necessary to get a good deal or find something that you want, such as a home.

11 July 2017

Are You Suffering From Caregiver Burnout?


Whether it is a parent, child, or other family member, there is no limit to your love and the sacrifice you're willing to make to care for your loved one. However, as superhuman as you might believe you are, you do have limits. Caregiver burnout is a rarely talked about concern that affects many people who tirelessly care for others. Understanding this condition and learning how to work through it is critical.

10 January 2017

Show Them You Care: 3 Ways to Show a Home-Bound Friend That You Care


Being homebound can be stressful, especially if it's been a while since the homebound person has been able to get outside. When someone is homebound, even a simple gesture can make a world of difference. If you know someone who's homebound, there are some simple things you can do to help them feel less isolated. Here are three suggestions for lifting the spirits of your homebound friend. Volunteer Your Time

28 June 2016

2 Reasons To Consider In-Home Health Care For Seniors


One of the most useful and effective ways to ensure that your elderly parents or grandparents are cared for is to take advantage of in-home health care that can provide substantial and benefits that other types of senior care options cannot really compete with. Listed below are two reasons to consider in-home health care for your aging relatives. Familiar Surroundings A major reason to consider utilizing in-home healthcare is that it can make your aging relatives much more comfortable because they will be receiving the care and supervision that they may need in the home that they may have spent many years in.

4 February 2016

3 Strategies To Help You Better Care For Dementia Patients


Statistics show that 90% of people aged 65 and older want to continue living in their own homes for as long as possible. Respecting the wishes of an aging relative can be difficult if he or she suffers from dementia, but having access to reliable home health care service providers can be beneficial when caring for dementia patients. Here are three strategies that you should discuss with your home health care service providers to help make life more enjoyable for your dementia-stricken loved ones.

7 December 2015

Getting In The Spirit: Holiday Activities You Can Do With Your Homecare Client


As a caregiver for elderly patients, you are likely aware that activities that keep their emotional and mental health strong are so important. As the season begins to turn toward the holidays, this is a prime opportunity to have some fun and work with your clients on some great holiday-themed activities that can keep them not only mentally strong, but also lift their spirits as well. Explore New Recipes Nothing ushers in the holiday season like trying some new recipes.

22 October 2015

Getting Older? 4 Steps To Improving Your Overall Cognitive Function


It isn't uncommon for people to not look forward to growing old. However, it is possible to age gracefully so that you don't have to dread it. Growing old, despite what you may believe, does not mean that you can't get out of the house and see the beautiful world outside. Healthy aging is possible if you stay positive and maintain certain things in your life. Here are a few tips to help you promote healthy aging so that your golden years are just that – golden:

16 September 2015

How To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Without Going To The Gym


Most people want to lose weight, but can never find time to workout. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health. If you cannot make it to the gym on a regular basis, then it is time to invest into some home fitness equipment. Here are three ways to reach your weight loss goals at home.  Buy a Treadmill  If you are thinking about buying gym equipment, then a treadmill should be one of your first purchases.

15 September 2015